Aussie Expat Singapore

Fulfil your dream of owning an Australian home whilst being an expat in Singapore.

Australian Expat Finance specialist from Best Foot Forward will visit you personally, face to face in Singapore.

Adam Kingston is an experienced, ethical, trusted Australian Expat mortgage broker with a strong client base throughout South East Asia gravitating to Singapore. See our testimonial page to hear from Adam’s happy clients.

Adam is an Australian based mortgage broker with access to over 45 lenders and visits Singapore Quarterly to meet with clients just like you who want to purchase Australian property.

There are approximately 20,000 Australian Expats currently living and working in Singapore. Interestingly, from my experience, when I ask an Aussie where they plan to live when they stop working, the only answer is, somewhere in Australia!

Also, as an Australian Expat, as you are not resident in Australia for AU tax, you are also not eligible to save into Superannuation. 

When you couple the two factors above together, most Australian Expats would like to build a property portfolio while they are overseas, the plan is that this can provide an inflation proof income stream for them when they return to Australia.

With the Australian borrowing rules constantly changing this ensuring you have the most appropriate loan at the lowest possible interest rate is a vital element of building a property portfolio. Working out which lender and which loan can be a very daunting task.

Adam Kingston, is a trusted, ethical, independent, Australian Expat finance mortgage broker with over 20 years experience in the finance industry.

With such an extensive background, intricate knowledge of the Australian Lending rules and how lenders view Australian Expats in Singapore, provides you with a partner who will represent you and work with you to get the best loan possible.

Come along to one of our informal information seminars or meet for a coffee to find out how we can work with you to achieve your goals.